Electronic Health Record (EHR) Qualifications

Click on one of the links below or scroll down on the page to read about our Electronic Health Record Qualifications.
- Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Providers and Health Information Exchanges
- Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Vendors
- Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Government
- Representative EHR Presentations
- Major Publications Related to EHRs
Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Providers and Health Information Exchanges
- For several statewide Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO) such as Stratis Health, MetaStar, and MPRO, providing consultative and collaborative educational services for their Doctors’ Office Quality - Information Technology (DOQ-IT) projects that promote and support EHR adoption by small and medium-sized primary care physician practices. Also serving as consultant to the Stratis Health Bar-Code Medication Administration Record project for small to medium-sized hospitals in Minnesota.
- For health cooperatives in two sparsely populated, rural areas of two states, providing educational and facilitative assistance relative to adoption of electronic health records and other health information technology as they consider forming a regional health information organization (RHIO) or other means to collaborate on health information exchange.
- For a children’s hospital in the south with a predominantly best-of-breed IT environment, facilitated strategic planning of the migration path through their EHR modules by assessing their current status of component deployment, understanding their corporate goals, and appreciating their short term needs.
- For a Midwest chain of hospitals, facilitated expectation setting relative to their EHR planning and implementation; preparing leadership, super users, and end users each with their impending roles in the clinical transformation that will occur with an EHR.
- For a partnership comprised of a community hospital, rural hospital, physician network, and technology joint venture, wrote an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) implementation grant.
- For a large, loosely affiliated clinic and payer cooperative in the South, conducted readiness assessment, ROI analysis including identification of external funding sources, and design of a pilot study for an innovative approach to implementing an ambulatory electronic health record system that would permit the sharing of data sets between providers and with a payer and could ultimately lead to a regional health information infrastructure.
- At a major medical center in the Midwest, conducted a functional and technical review of a home-grown EHR in comparison to features and capabilities of commercial products to enable a build-buy decision.
- At several large clinics (125 to 500 physicians), provided orientation to the concept of EHR, conducted readiness assessments, provided training and oversight for process mapping and workflow analysis, developed return on investment analysis, conducted EHR vendor selection, provided oversight for implementation, and assisted in troubleshooting to gain improved adoption.
Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Vendors
- For a law firm, served as expert witness in an intellectual property lawsuit between two EHR vendors.
- For a major systems integration vendor, developed a white paper on state of healthcare computing.
- For a major HIS/EHR vendor, addressed legal issues of paperless medical records at user conference and videotaped an EHR Q&A session for posting to web site.
- For a major ambulatory EHR vendor, evaluated product readiness for acute care market.
- For several start-up software vendors, evaluated product and market opportunities for EHR products.
- For a major US vendor implementing hospital information systems in the Middle East, provided work flow analysis toward better integration of US-vended product into clinical processes primarily based in British practice.
Representative Client Engagements Related to EHRs for Government
- Under contract with National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, assisted in the analysis of over 1,000 detailed functional requirements from prototype developers that may be needed for a nationwide health information network (NHIN) and refined them into 11 high level, minimum but inclusive statements designed to inform subsequent NHIN activities. Report approved for transmittal October 30, 2006.
- Under contract with National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, providing support for the analysis and development of recommendations for standards for electronic prescribing (e-Rx) systems as required by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Contract runs through March 2005).
- Under contract with National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, developed analysis of message format standards relative to interoperability, data comparability, and data quality. This analysis provided a working document for the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) private sector advisory group to use in developing its second round of recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on uniform data standards for patient medical record information (August 21, 2001).
- Under contract with National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drafted report for the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) private sector advisory group to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on recommendations and legislative proposals for the adoption of uniform data standards for patient medical record information as required under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) (delivered July 6, 2000).
Representative EHR Presentations
- “The Team of Talents Needed to Achieve EHR, HIMSS Annual Conference, February 26, 2007, New Orleans
- “EHRs, Anti-Kickback Safe Harbors and Stark Exceptions: Step-by-Step Compliance,” with Bruce Fried, HC Pro, December 12, 2006, audio conference
- Gaining Physician Involvement and Assuring Your CPOE Works, with Mike Cohen, Healthcare Informatics, October 26, 2006, audio conference
- The Importance of HIT and Embracing Its Challenges,” Health Care Excel, September 29, 2006, Indianapolis, IN
- “How to Slay the Three Scariest Beast of EHR,” Iowa Medical Group Management Associations, September 21, 2006, Waterloo, IA
- “Managing Hybrid Records: Overcome Roadblocks on the Way to an EHR,” with Mike Cohen, HC Pro, September 21, 2006, audio conference
- “Introduction to EHR or, How to Manage Your Pain Points,” Medtronics Practice Advantage, May 23, 2006, audio conference
- “Forging Links Among Financial Stakeholders,” Ingenix Annual User Conference, March 27, 2006, Orlando, FL
- “Where Are You on the Road to the EHR?” Wisconsin Health Information Management Association, March 17, 2006, Eau Claire, WI
- “Next Steps to E-HIM, Annual National Institute, Healthcare Financial Management Association, May 26, 2005, Las Vegas, NV
- “Challenges in Managing Hybrid Records,” Meta Users Group, May 24, 2005
- “Return on Investment: Improving Billing/Collections Management Through an Integrated Electronic Medical Record,” with Steven S. Lazarus, Medical Group Management Association, October 5, 2004, San Francisco, CA
- “e-HIM and EHR at the Facility Level: Business Aspects,” e-HIM Institute, American Health Information Management Association, October 14, 2004, Washington, D.C.
- “Managing Information without Records,” with Steven S. Lazarus, The 14th Congress of IFHRO and AHIMA 76th National Convention and Exhibit.\, October 11, 2004, Washington, D.C.
- “Vote for Clinical Vocabulary Standards,” Wisconsin Health Information Management Association Fall Conference, September 16, 2004
- “Management of Medical Records in Illinois,” Lorman Education Services, Schaumburg, IL, August 31, 2004
- “Security and the Electronic Health Record,” Webinar, Quick Compliance, August 4, 2004
- “Designing the EHR for PHR,” Toward the Electronic Patient Record, Medical Records Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 19, 2004
- “What’s New in IT Strategic Planning,” First Illinois Chapter, HFMA, November 20, 2003, Oak Brook
- “Legal Considerations of EHRs,” Cerner Corporation, User Group, October 23, 2003, Orlando
- “Transforming HIM: Legal Aspects of Paperless Records,” AHIMA Annual Conference, October 22, 2003, Minneapolis
- “The Power of Information Technology in the Medical Office Practice Setting,” AEI Seminars, Videoconference, Fall, 2003
- “Patient Confidentiality and Information Security in the Electronic Environment,” Electronic Systems in Clinical Cardiology Care, American College of Cardiology, April 1, 2003, Chicago
- “HIPAA and EMR Synergies,” Sixth National HIPAA Summit, March 28, 2003, Washington, DC
- “Patient Requests for Restrictions on Data Sharing,” Connecting for Health, January 30, 2003, Washington, DC
Major Publications Related to EHRs
- Electronic Health Records: A Practical Guide for Professionals and Organizations, Third Edition, American Health Information Management Association, 2007.
- The No-Hassle Guide to EHR Policies, HCPro, Inc., 2006
- Co-authored with Susan H. Fenton and Mitch Work, “The HIM Impact on EHRs: Newly Released Study Links HIM Professionals and Successful EHR Implementations,” Journal of AHIMA 77, no.9 (October 2006): 36-40
- “Ambulatory versus Acute Care EHRs,” Journal of AHIMA 77, No.6 (June 2006): 40-41
- Co-authored with Steven S. Lazarus, Electronic Health Records: Transforming Your Medical Practice, Medical Group Management Association, 2005. (HIMSS 2006 Book of the Year Award and MGMA 2006 Triumph Award)
- Co-authored with Mitch Work, “Benchmarking RCM: Best Practices to Enhance the HIM Role in Revenue Cycle Management,” Journal of AHIMA 77, No.3 (March 2006): 46-49
- Electronic Health Records: Strategies for Implementation, HCPro, Inc. 2004.
- Co-authored with Michael R. Cohen, “EHR Corner,” monthly column in ADVANCE for Health Information Executives, Merion Publications, Inc.
- “Digital Perspectives,” quarterly column in Healthcare Financial Management, journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
- Co-authored with Mary Brandt and Michelle Dougherty, “Cut, Copy, Paste: EHR Guidelines.” Journal of AHIMA 74, No.9 (October 2003): 72,74